Iain is working with OCE4NBLUE in order to raise money for the King’s College Hospital Charity.
Fund raising events in 2017 included The Great British Beard Off and 2018 is starting off with a treasure hunt. King’s College provides the Critical Care Unit for the South of England. Its charity works to improve the care offered to patients and their families of Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Their vision, aligned to that of the Trust, is an outstanding local hospital & world class centre for specialist clinical, teaching & research excellence. The Charity is a catalyst for innovation and excellence in the Trust. They do this by fundraising and giving grants that enhance services and facilities, support research and development, and improve the working environment for staff.
The Charity funds projects which improve every aspect of health: it does not replace core NHS funding, but instead, funds projects which go ‘above and beyond’ NHS-funded services to deliver the best outcomes for patients